Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Bird Brains

Flirtatious: "Fly me to the moon, and let me blah, blah,blah,blah,blah"

Real Mood: Assumptive

Prediction: The price of gas will go up a week before Memorial day.

It's cold here. That's clear to me even before I leave the house or get in or out of the car.  How do I know?  I'm just an amateur, but bird behavior, by my own observation, makes some birds the best meteorologists in town.

I look up on a power line and there they are. They're all lined up like they are about to start a coordinated "Rockettes" high kick routine. This only happens when it's cold.  Could electricity be warming their little tootsies?  Are they all cuddled up to each other to share body heat? They're not as dumb as we think sometimes.  It tells me, however, to make sure the parka I buy isn't stuffed with the feathers of a species that tends to sit on power lines. It's really neat to watch them all take off at once.

Some things should not be revisited. A person should not ask college students to tell you what they (unfair generalization) did on their "Winter Break." You listen to their (sweeping generalization) stories and wonder how you lived past your 20's. I'm always a little amused they (gross representation) believe they invented drinking, violence and sex. (Did I mis something?) My upcoming New Year's resolution will be to work on my fake "Shocked" response.  

Why would anyone build a high rise dormitory with windows, when the only view from said windows, is of the concrete siding of a highway off-ramp?  Just asking? It's not like the ramp came along later.  It was there before some genius starting designing the building. There is probably something I don't know or understand properly.

I do know that birds warming their feet on power lines appear to me to be a tad brighter than some architects.

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