Flirtatious: "You know World, I think your outfit matches just about every color in the rainbow."
Real Mood: Splintered
Prediction: People we've heard, but never heard of, will rebuild New Orleans.
I'm starting a new feature today. I'm no different than any of us when it comes to World Crises. I start watching too much CNN. So this time around I've been noticing a new weather person. At least she is new to me. She does the early mornings and her name is Jacqui Jeras. I have no means of evaluating her prowess with doppler radar. But from what I've seen this woman knows fashion. Well, since I know absolutely nothing about the subject, I think she knows fashion.
Jacqui wears a different outfit with a different color scheme every day. During one of the hurricanes, she changed outfits three times in one day.(It's good you weren't looking to me for damage estimates) And I have to say just about everything compliments her. Let's cut to the chase. Any day I write one of these entries, I hope to update you on the outfit of that day.
I first got the idea of doing this back on the 4th of November. I can tell you that morning Jacqui was wearing a tailored pant suit with a fuchsia colored blouse. (Had to make a quick trip West so I missed the next three days) This morning, November 8th, she had on a tailored black dress, with a modest decolletage, adorned with a pearl necklace. Weather in Boston? I have no idea.
Join me if you like. We might get into some pretty good fashion round table discussions. Besides I've been trying to think of ways of making this journal more interactive. It can get pretty lonely and confusing when you're keeping company with just your own id and ego.
Here's the other way I hope to get a rise out of you. I believe there are some critical social issues we might be able to resolve if we all put our heads together. I know some of these issues have torn relationships apart. What issues? Okay, let's start with this one.
Does your family drape the toilet paper over the top, or do they let it hang down in the back against the wall? I don't know what kind of fights you have at your house, but toilet paper draping discussions in this house can be heard a block away. I have my arguments, she has her arguments, but I'm not going to tell where we SIT on this issue. I'd rather get your unfettered thoughts on the relative benefits of "up and over the top," or "around the back and down the wall." Let me know.
In case you've never noticed, the music I am allegedly listening to, ( A couple of times I really was listening to it) is just a way to set a tone and theme for that days posting.
There are quite a few people in the World I'd wished I'd met before they departed. (Departed or Passed?) But I have to tell you Harry Nilsson tops my list. If you weren't with him in spirit, you'd read his lyrics and swear he was reared on peyote instead of milk. Here's a line from "The Most Beautiful World in the World."
'Your a scary old place out there World, but I couldn't be happy without you.'
Whoa! Deep!
I think I've shared this in the past, but in case you missed it, I judge people by my rule of whether I'd share a beer with them. I honestly think Harry and I would have killed a six pack. If you're not too squeamish about an occasional use of a four letter word, go find Harry's lyrics to "You're Breaking My Heart." I haven't heard that song in 20 years and I'm still laughing with catharsis. It is the essence of, "Oh, been there, done that."
Anyway I think Harry would enjoy talking about Jacqui Jeras' fashion. And I can absolutely assure you he would weigh in on which way the toilet paper ought to roll.
Oh, by the way? The people we've heard, but haven't heard of, who will rebuild New Orleans? The musicians. I don't know where they are right now. But I can tell you they'll be blowing (as in horn) some life back in that place pretty soon now. Have a nice day.
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