Saturday, November 19, 2005

Quick Turn Around

Flirtatious: "Miss Me big boy?"

Read Mood: Boldly tutorial

Prediction: Some things will never change!


Uh, Huh! We get Jacqui for a day and now Bonnie is back. Peggy asks, "How long are you going to fixate on this? You know other people have other things they need to pay attention to in their lives!"

Here's a promise.  I'll get off this "kick" no later than the end of the rating period, which comes sometime in the first week in December. I'll quit sooner if I get answers to my questions. Now I have another question to add to my list.  

"It would be typical to have a changing of the guard, even in the middle of the book (ratings), if it's the weekend.  So having Bonnie pop up on a Saturday would make sense.  But that has not been the pattern. They've been popping in and out of sight in a not at all understandable pattern. I've taken the direct approach and emailed my questions to CNN management.  Should they break form,  and actually answer me in a timely fashion, we will drop the whole issue.  Well, we'll drop the whole issue,  except for a reprise when the book numbers come out. 

We're looking to see ratings numbers on the first quarter hour in the seven and eight o'clock morning hours, from the second week in November through the first week in December.

Even I am getting tired describing their outfits. Fashion narration will never be a dream of mine.

"Black sport coat with deep cut to reveal re clinging blouse, with modest neckline, a little stone necklace to accessorize. Blah, Blah, Blah. Weather in Boston?"

I suppose there are some of you who channel switch between CNN and CNN headline news.  We've already discussed the possibility that Daryn Kagen and Carol Costello may have come from the same egg. Well, look at picture two I've offered up for you today.  I think you can add Robin Mead's yolk to the joke. Triplets?

No one in this business will be able to give young people a definite answer to, "how do I get hired to be on the air?"

It's not wise to even attempt a response.  But when you get a little older you can get away with it and toss in senility as an excuse.  Of course you start out calling it wisdom.  So I actually say this to students,  and people at cocktail parties I'm sure I'll never see again.

"The "People  in Power" at TV stations and  networks tend to hire anchors and reporters in their own image."

This is not a scientific study.  It's just the result of casual observation on my part.  If you are five foot two, and you walk into the six foot four news director's office looking for a job? My advice? Turn around and walk out of her office.

It's a whole different form of desrimination than we talk about.  It's not racial. It's not sexual.  It's not socio-economic. It's not political affiliation.  It's not sexual orientation. It's not, "whose your daddy?"  It's not which fraternity or sorority you pledged. And, sorry to say, it's not talent.

It's body type. Tall people hire tall people.  Short people hire short people. Thin people hire thin people. Heavy people hire heavy people. Don't take my word for it. If you have been working in TV for a while, just think about it. Yes, there will be exceptions. But think about it.  And if I'm right,  tell somebody who is not in the business so I can get rid of the senility label.

I think that's it for the day, unless I think of something later.  

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