Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Can't Get There from Here

Flirtatious: "Say there fellas. How'd you like to buy my pretty little paintin?"

Real Mood: Soggy

Prediction: I'll find a bar just like Kyle's here in Maine.

It hasn't stopped raining for 24 hours.

"Oh, Paul. this is so strange. It's never like this."

I got to see sister Brenda's studio on Portland. Very earthy environment. I'm thinking she's going to get really inspired by her surroundings. I know I was.

We made a quick trip to the Portland Art Museum where displays of all of Christo' works reside.  You get a little better appreciation of his efforts when  you see them together.

We had dinner with my Niece Cydney, her husband Dave, and their two boys Will and Ed. Took some great pics of them, but for some reason can't download them. I'll work on it.

Got a tour or Portland in the rain...with Brenda pointing to a fort in the middle of Casco bay with the narrative, "It's some sort of historical thing."

She's an artist. Christo probably couldn't tell me what it was either.

For a while we just seemed to be driving around in a lot of circles getting nowhere. I remember from the short time I lived in the Boston area what great pride residents have in tormenting tourists.

"No sir, can't get there from here."

And sometimes that's just downright true. 


Watching local TV tonight I'll bet you can't guess what story I saw?

Now which one of you blurted out, "a story about a turkey farm."


Here's another one someone is going to see somewhere in the country.

"It's really not a good idea to name your turkeys, or any animal that you plan to eat some day."

Gobble, Gobble is getting closer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's just as well.