Monday, November 14, 2005

My, My!

Flirtatious:" Hi, my name's Bonnie. The boys in school used to call me Flirtatious."

Read Mood: Validated

Prediction: There will be an upward spike in CNN's ratings, during the quarter hour segments where Bonnie is on camera.

You know I was going to drop this whole sexy weather persons issue until I woke up this morning and felt validated. That sounds defensive, doesn't it?  Well one of my siblings thought I was being a bit Victorian, and that Bonnie Schneider's outfit was clearly within the bounds of decency and good taste. And this is my most conservative sibling! 

Of course that sibling is not a male. What I had to make clear to her, and will now announce to the world?  I like Bonnie. ( She probably wouldn't like me after all this.)  But I think she's perky, bright eyed, (she might evern be BRIGHT, but I'll never know or care) and very definitely delightfully formed. (Her come-on is certainly nothing compared to that babe pushing "Overstock Dot Com." What are we supposed to think is on sale there?)

Still I was all ready to drop the whole thing until I rolled over in bed and woke up to what you see above. By the way, before we go any farther, I am not a reformer. As I told my sister I am merely a "Pointer Outer." Other than not giving me the temperature in Boston, Bonnie and Jacqui give me the weather the way I like it ( Short, Uncomplicated,Sweet)

I'm trying to imagine Bonnie shopping at the mall last night for just one more outfit that would display her assets during the ratings period.   I see her coming out of Victoria's Secret with a (lowest yet) gold lame blouse. Wow!.

Says, Bonnie: 

"Let's see. I'll need to hide all those wires and boxes, too. I'll just pop into Sears here and find my self a really ugly brown jacket to go with it."

Peggy had to point out the jacket to me, and says the blouse may not be lame.

The other reason I decided not to drop this issue? We may have accidentally stumbled on to something interesting here. I'd already done some simple (logged on to CNN website) research. That was to get some background on Jacqui. So this morning I go back in,  looking for a "bio" on Bonnie Schneider. It's not there. She's not there. So let me take you back inside the CNN building again (fictionally). Let's look at some basic TV givens, and see if we can solve this mystery:

1.) We're ina ratings period. (until the 1st week in December if you're keeping track.)

2.) No on-air personalities (including weather anchors) are allowed to take time off during ratings period. (If there is just one given law in the industry, it's this one)

3.) Jacqui Jeras was last on the air a week ago, a week well within the ratings period window.

4.) Bonnie Schneider shows up out of no-where and no one even mentions Jacqui being sick, or hurt, or on assignment in Antarctica?

5.) Ergo?

Now we don't want to read a lot into this.  Or do we?  Hey, I'm just a "Pointer Outer."

Doing bulk mailing to drum up a little interest generated some fun responses. I've heard from cousin, Bill, former students Barbara, Tierza, Gina and Dan. I promise not to over-do the Bulk Mail thing.  I found out from AOL that you need to let them know your are bulking, or they shut you down until you can prove you're you. And once you're on their bulk list? You need to do it at least once every 90 days to stay active. I'm just passing this along as a "Pointer Outer."

Here's a new irony. Bonnie talks on the air over a live shot of Boston Harbor (they didn't leave the shot up very long), " It's not normal for it to be so mild there. I know because I used to live there."

Since she lived there, don't you think she could let us know what the high in Boston is going to be for the day? 

Just so you don't think I'm entirely depraved and decadent, I actually saw Bonnie's weather credentials flashed along the crawl line at the bottom of the screen.  I didn't have a stop watch with me...but my length of time it was up estimate? 40 one hundreths of a second I'd say. You may have picked it up subliminally and it will come to you in a dream tonight.  It's that weather organaization that starts with "A". But like I said before, "who cares."

So now I'm going to drop the " CAN YOU BELIEVE the ratings period WEATHER ANCHOR SCANDAL AT CNN," with a caveat.  If Jacqui reappears? I'm all over it.  

I just read "Chicken Little" is tops in box office, second week in a row? Boy, I guess we do love our cliches. I still think Eisner got out at the right time.  I've clearly learned that Thursday Nights are not "Go To The Movies," nights. 

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