Saturday, January 27, 2007

Alien Update

I've been trying not to think about how our backyard water tap gets turned on? Turned on without any evidence anyone or anything leaves snow tracks leading up to it?  But it's NOT been easy.

An alarm goes off in one of our neighbors homes? Police come and look around? No footprints. No visible signs of access. Hmmm?

Then Peggy drops by to tell me, "while you are out I see this very large rabbit sitting right next to the water tap?  No tracks!"

She swears it looks exactly like the one I got a picture of last Spring.

"Except four times that big," she says.

Well I think from the picture we can pretty much surmise I am correct suspecting the species has yet to evolve opposable thumbs. Ergo, it seems improbable the beast just materializes,  reaches up, and paws open the faucet.

"What? You want me to conjecture? Well, okay! You asked for it."

I've watched enough "Star Trek" and "Weird Science" to give it a go.

Just because we can't see it, hear it, smell it, feel it doesn't mean it isn't here. And while opposable thumbs would answer the mystery we have on this planet? I've seen enough Star Trek episodes to know there are forces in the UNIVERSE we can't possibly understand.

And I know from Star Trek, and OTHER scientific documentaries, some organisms may disguise themselves by taking on the form of other organisms. So my guess?

When is a rabbit really a rabbit? Our friends from planet "X" have jumped into rabbit skins for a while.  Good thinking.  Warm furry coats for the winter. Get thirsty? Just THINK a water tap open. The alarm? Clearly a signal to the mother ship that the invasion is moving ahead as planned.

Peggy just walked by and looked over my shoulder.

"People are going to think I'm nuts and take me away."

"Get in line sugar!"

So while I'm updating? My last posting speaks to the issue of the Good and Bad of the snow keeping geese from ingesting their favorite fare? Grass?

Well one TV station (sorry I didn't do my homework and establish which one) features this guy who is desperate to see something other than snow on his lawn.  So, and I kid you not, this guy snow blows the yard. There it is. Grass.

Can you guess? Can you guess that he has 20 geese visiting his front yard? Will you join me in guessing what's next whenthe other geese see it on TV or read it here.

Let me put it this way. It is estimated (State Division of Wildlife) there are about 70 thousand geese who call this metro area home year round.  It's also estimated up to 200 thousand geese meander through the area in the winter.

I sure hope this guy has a good use for goose dung.



Anonymous said...

Im not sure what story I'm responding to here, geese or rabbits.  It's that kind of a day.  Nevertheless.  Some things must be aired and here's one of them.  I have never gone for the timid rabbit line.  There's something distinctly sinister about a rabbit's fixed stare, as if he's wondering how you would taste on a bed of wild rice, a napping of Bechamel, with a side of asparagus.  Have you ever noticed the size of those fron teeth?  And let's not forget that this herbivore-type critter eats his own offspring.  Not a very nice lad if you ask me.
Your recent experiences surely indicate something serious happening in the Alien/ Rabbit World.  Don't be taken in by their cute warm coats.  Beneath those furry coats lurk......

As for the geese, those cantankerous, dirty, nasty birds, I do love to see them on the wing and hear them squabbling with each other as they fly over my building.  Oh, and yes!  We do have geese in Yonkers, as well as skunks, raccoons and deer as well as the occasional coyote.

Have a nice Sunday.

Anonymous said...

good story . . . makes me grin

Am also feeling very good about Yonkers knowing that they have
surviving wild life other than the two legged kind.  

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes - that is a great rabbit picture!!