Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Why Not?

Since some of you have made it dramatically clear you don't want to hear anything more from me about piles of snow? For our purposes today?  Let's just call these piles something else.  How about WONS?  Wons it is then.

So I'm in a class the end of last week? A student says, "so have you got a really fun weekend planned?"

Don't ever lie to a student. 

"You know I don't?"

"Well you should plan something then."

"You know I should?"

And in a fleeting strike of insanity I blurt out, "I'll go for a bike ride, that's what I'll do."

Well I get through most of the weekend thinking I can live with a lie. Maybe if I just go sit on the bike in the garage and rock back and forth I can call that a ride.  But by Sunday the guilt cloud is immense. So open comes the garage door.  And you know what?  There isn't a drop of WONS on the driveway.  Well, okay then. I fill my water bottle, grab an apple, and off I go.

If you've visited here before? You know I like to share....even if you're not that keen on receiving.  Let's set the stage.  Yes there  has been considerable melting of all the WONS the past week.  Highs in the 40's with lots of sun has some streets showing all their asphalt, curb to curb.  But there are still big glumps of ice and slush packed up along the edges.

I'm pretty sure this ride is going to be a positive experience.  Well here are some questions I have?  Followed by the answers should you ever suffer the same flash of insanity.

1. I'm wondering if city, county, parks and rec, or homeowner association crews rush out during the melting of WONS and clear the bike paths?

Not so much. (Parks and Rec crews fare better than the others.)

2. I'm wondering If wide tires (such as on a mountain bike) will track through 8 inch piles of WONS on the bike paths? 

Not so much. ( Should you try it at any significant speed? Expect to be featured on America's Funniest Home Videos, or in a Roadrunner cartoon. You would be the coyote. From my experience? Expect to slosh along pushing your vehicle through the WONS for up to an eighth of a mile.)

3. Well, what about just an inch of slushy WONS on the bike path? Can you advance on that surface?

Kinda.  You will make forward progress with this added benefit. You will get a very close up view of the phenomenon of "fishtailing." ( Should you try this at any significant speed? That forward progess in the WONS will likely be made sans bicycle.)

4. With WONS piled high on the edges of the bike paths? Is there enough room to accomodate you, the cyclist, a woman, the dog she is walking, and her three kids, one of the them on one of those skinny skate boards?

Not so much. ( In fact, not at all. If it's inevitable you are going to strike just one them? Do not opt for the dog.)

5. With the melting of the WONS mixing with terra ferma to form ponds of mud?  Is it a good idea wear your brand new sneakers whilst pedaling along?

Not so much. I would infact suggest Nay! Do not. ( I know of car washes, doggie washes, and body washes. I've yet to see or hear of a tenny wash. If there is one, it's going to be one of a kind and really expensive.)

But lets leave this on some REALLY positive notes. The air is fragrantly fresh, and other than the lady, the dog, her three kids and the skate board?  You can be comfortably sure you are going to be out there ALL ALONE.

Oh! If you can get the geese off the grass? The grass, hard as a rock, is a pretty good surface for making progess on a bicycle.


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