Flirtatious: Have I ever shown you how I can take my Eyeball out of it's socket and shoot pool with it?
Real Mood? Linguistically Apocalyptic
Prediction: Witches and Warlocks will never resort to calling each other "guys."
Oh, horror of horrors. God save us. I am so dismayed. I feel so let down. I'm not sure whether to background you on this, or just jump right into the horror. Well, maybe I'll just start in the middle, jump back to the beginning, and then slide in for the kill.
I do the syndicated National Education Association crossword puzzle almost every day. It's no super challenge, but like my prescription medicine it's supposed to help keep me on the planet for a while. It's meant to lubricate enough brain synapses so we can relate. It's not meant, I believe, to send a person of my number of birthday candles, into shock. Okay that's the middle. Let's jump back.
For those of you who were around in the Spring you may remember my May 22nd, entry, "Something to Drink?" ( I apologize. I hate when news copy is written that way. YOU MAY REMEMBER! But I need it this time to get to the point.) The point was then and is now that it's just not right for restaurant "Wait Persons" to call us all "Guys." Put it on a sexism plane and let me tell you if you called me a "Gal" I'd make a slow motion attempt at punching you in the nose. ( For the GenX and younger, slow motion is where things don't go so fast.)
Now when I made my first complaint I did not exactly get overwhelming support. Even my baby sister Brenda turned against me. She told me I was over reacting. She was not offended by being called a guy. But I had hoped some of you were joining me in the protest. ( I think even Brenda agreed that the new restaurant plural of guy, guyses, was maybe a bit much.)
Well I didn't keep the pressure on, and apparently neither did any of you. That's why we are all (anybody doing today's NEA crossword puzzle) facing this HORROR two days before Halloween.
I'm doing the puzzle pretty much top to bottom. I still haven't even looked at the clue for 55 across. Everything seems to be falling into place without the clue. But at the last minute something told me to go there. They want a four letter word for...Oh, I'm not sure I can say it. They want a four letter word that starts with G that defines "People Informally." That's right People Informally. Not men informally. People!
This is an NEA puzzle. That means this new definition of guys is likely in a dictionary somewhere. It probably has the endorsement of the AFT, the ASSA, the NCAA, the NBA. It's probably already in the A.P. style book.We're dead. Don't tell me 'enry 'iggins condones it?
Why this dirty trick when I've been quite generous with my treats. I don't get it. So what do you "guys" think?
Here's one more thing I think. I think you should stop by my former student Mindy's BLOG site. She works for ABC and is being sent down to New Orleans for a week. This is a new experience for Mindy, traveling to a disaster area. She will offer a fresh look. It should be an eye opener for all of us. It's easy to get there.
I'm so upset I almost forgot. More leaves fell off the Maple.
Please fight "GUYSES."
If you guys don't mind, I'm going to get back to my puzzle. I need a four letter word starting with 'F' that means "supporters." Really!
The truth comes in many guises and disguises. And my truth from a Gal point of view is that "Guyses" needs to be vigorously kicked in the teeth until there are none left. It disgusts me. It is in the same category as "Good to Go". And now I must stop before I start foaming at the mouth. Excelsior!
guyses sounds like some sort of eruption to me.
Guyses sounds like some sort of eruption to me.
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