Friday, October 13, 2006

Judgement Day

The BullyDozer gallery is open again today.  I hope you stop by and feel free to constructively judge my effort to humanize these behemoths.

I'm afraid it's still a little too early to pass judgement on the work these Big Guys Dozers are carrying out in the backyard. It's kind of tough to hold back that judgement right now.  And it's not a case of some pressing issue.  It's just that 'tis the season. 


Well we've just finished mid-terms. And faculty have just gotten their student evaluations back on their efforts in the Spring. It could be a coincidence? 

I'm sure there is some value in those evaluations.  But I have at least one concern. I equate them to some degree to the work of media consulting groups.  These "guys" come to town, do some in- house investigations, hold some focus groups and then head back to Iowa or New Jersey.  Six months later they deliver the results of their investigation.

Six months in the media world today can be generational.  New technology has likely shown up. New formats have already kicked in adjusting to the last consult.

Then a media conglomerate shows up and swallows the station. It changes the format and network affiliation. The new owners put their own managers in place. The new managers get rid of the current talent and journalist rosters and put the new people in place.

AND THEN? They hire a consultant.

Anyway....with all this evaluating going on?  I get to thinkin'.  My life has really been full of mentors. And when things get a little skewed?

NOPE, NO WAY.  There are a TON of people RESPONSIBLE for who I am. But none of them are to BLAME. It's not always easy, but I can live with that.

Now wait a minute. Maybe I could lay some blame on a BullyDozer? Naw! They're okay.



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