Monday, October 30, 2006

"Hey, Good Buddy!"

This posting will be a great opportunity for you to eavesdrop on a very personal letter I'm sending to my great personal friend and confidante, John Elway.

You know I told you in an earlier posting this would be a safe haven from politics for the next week? But, ah, here's the rub. My caveat to that vow was unless something really weird or wacky took place.  Then I would be all over it.

Well, welcome to weird and wacky.

More than 24, but less than 48 hours after I wrote that?  I get a phone call. And who is on the line?(recorded)   That's right.  My life long close personal friend, John Elway.

[I actually know some people who've never seen a football game in their life span.  For their sake, John Elway is a Hall of Fame Professional Football Player Emeritus.]

Well in this friendly," haven't talked to you in a long time Paul" tone, John says he wants to chat about his other really close personal friend Blah Blah.  Well, as it turns out,  ol' Blah Blah is running for governor and John thinks I ought to vote for Blah Blah.

Well, let's cut to the chase . I HAVE had some contact with John Elway over the years.  In fact we broke into a house together in an exclusive Denver area neighborhood a few decades ago.

 These people were dumb enough to donate their home so John could shoot a promotional video  hyping his first video game. I was the head umpire on  the fake  field. I don't know if John was offended? Or if he  holds it against me after all these years?

But  I'm pretty sure I was the only person on the set who didn't ask him for his autograph.

I've also interviewed John many times doing those obligatory football fan stories. I would get  to ask him those tough probing questions like, "Say John, how does it feel to win the SuperBowl?"

Now I'm really not much of a betting man? But I'm willing to put up a nickel that says John Elway has no  "Blinkin" idea who I am. And that sort of brings me to my point. 

John is asking me to vote for his good friend BLAH BLAH?

Now here's the deal John.  I'm one of those annoying people who refuses  to affiliate with a party.  I'm one of those guys you've really got to WOO to get his vote. Now I know where I'm leanin' on this....but if you really want me there on November 7th?

 Okay John, when I see you and BLAH BLAH smoking cigars together in your box at Invesco Field? When I see BLAH BLAH driving around town in one of your Elway Toyotas with the Elway License frame? When I see you and BLAH BLAH "high fiving" it at the Stutler your son Jack tosses a TD pass? When I see you and BLAH BLAH teeing it up together  on the 7th hole at Cherry Hills? When I see BLAH BLAH having a beer at the bar and chomping down on one your prime ribs at your steak house?

[By the way the view from Rod Smith and Terrell Davis' steak house (Trappers) puts  your's to shame]

When I see BLAH BLAH sneaking over to your place on Poker Night?  Maybe, just maybe I'd give him the nod. I just want to make sure he really IS your CLOSE PERSONAL FRIEND.

Whoops! Early voting.  You're too late. Sorry John, I don't vote and tell.

Thanks for callin'. Great to hear from you.

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