Thursday, February 9, 2006



Real Mood: Spatially Spontaneous

Prediction: There will be a major oil spill somewhere in the World this week.


WE HAVE BREAKING NEWS! We are just FIFTY (50) days from the anniversary of PaulsModestMusings. Make sure you plan your day around this very SPECIAL  moment in our history on THIS PLANET.  I promise to use words you've NEVER heard before. I promise to show pictures that will SHOCK you.  I will say things that will INCENSE you. YOU CANNOT MISS THIS MIND BLOWING, TEETH RATTLING, EYE STRETCHING MOMENT IN BLOGGING HISTORY. TELL YOUR FAMILY, TELL YOUR FRIENDS. BE PREPARED FOR THE 1ST ANNIVERSARY OF PaulsModestMusings. YOU'LL NEVER BE THE SAME.

(any resemblence between the preceding promotional blurb and any February Sweeps promotion you are seeing on TV? Might be coincidental.)

I recently predicted that "Peace on Earth" will not come this week. Beth? She hopes I'm wrong.  For the record, me too Beth.  I, for one, am going to be more positive in the coming week.

I can be positive now,  because while my Intro to Radio and TV class was out looking for space to gather? Some people quietly and persistently had our best interests at heart. We now have this wonderful place to study and share. Thanks Audry. Thanks Brad Pepper.

I took my Announcing class this week to the top of the cheaper of two parking garages on campus. From there you can view over 200 miles of moutain range. (more expensive is not always better.)  (A spot I mentioned in an earlier entry actually allows one to scan more than 300 miles of mountain range? Don't think for a moment my SECRET location is on top of a parking garage. It could be, but dont think it.)

An interesting piece of recent history is? This very same parking garage actually became a dorm for over a week when Pope John Paul the Two'th came to town. I think there were over two thousand students from all over the World sleeping on cots arranged on concrete. It was the campus version of the "Tower of Babel." (And hey Beth, they all seemed to be getting along.)

While they had "Porta Potties" surrounding the place, I'm thinking zoning officials were all on vacation that week. ( Before I make this next declaration you need to know I am not a practicing member of the Catholic Faith. ) Crime also took a  break that week. There virtually wasn't ANY crime committed (or at least reported).  I'm thinking maybe all the criminals were, at the least, guilt ridden former members of the Catholic Faith.

Anyway, I  try to let students know that there is great journalistic value in finding a high spot in whatever town your in. From there you can get some perspective. And hey, the top of a parking garage is often just the ticket.

I took my Broadcast Journalism TV class down to a crowded mall just to watch people and listen to ambient and natural sound. (For natives? The 16th street mall.)  We all seemed to enjoy two young women trying to smoke their first cigars. Now that's TV.

No doubt you know what's occasionally said here has little to do with known logic or life enhancing significance. That just might be the case this time?

Have a nice day! Good luck on seperating the "wheat from the chaff?" By the way? That's easier to do if you are on top of a parking garage.


Anonymous said...

Ah, 50 days until the anniversary of PaulsModestMusings, where does the time go? LOL. Congrats Paul on keeping up with this blog and staying consistent. I've tried to keep a journal, but it's hard for me to commit to write in it every day. Any tips you could give me on staying consistent would be greatly appreciated. Paul you never took us on top of a parking building, what gives?LOL. Anyway I was thinking about the whole Pope being here and no crime being committed during his stay. Maybe your right, people just felt guilty doing such things with him being in such a close vacinity. Go figure. . .

Anonymous said...

Paul you are funny. Maybe I should be in charge of your predictions for the week. My prediction for the week? That the funny looking people on the 16th street will continue growing by the masses!! ha=)
I am glad that all your classes get to experience the parking garage fieldtrip. That will always be remembered as "the first field trip ever taken in Pauls class."
So...if the advice you are giving is to find a high spot in every city to get the good story...and also a crazy place like 16th Street mall...then the best place to get a news story in Denver would be to...
stand on top of the pavillions ABOVE the movie theatre ON the 16th street mall....right?
Shows that following all of the rules and advice others give you sometimes ends up not as good as if you break some of the rules and count on your own advice sometimes....does that make any sense? makes more sense in my head.=)
See you next week!