Once again my mood is not truly represented in AOL's list. My real mood was Shocked. Surprised won't get it done.
This is way out of context, but this has to be reported. What kind of idiot, caught behind an Ice Cream Truck on a two lane neighborhood street, honks. It was a female idiot, about 35 I'd say. I'm thinking the man sitting next to her in the front seat agreed on my assessment. When I shook my head in her direction pretty much non-verbally calling her an idiot, the man shrugs his shoulders and then buries his head in his chest. If you are driving an ambulance with Paris Hilton in the back complaining of chest pains, you don't honk at the Ice Cream Man. I can't imagine a scenario where it would be appropriate to honk at this musical purveyor of cool confections. It would be sacrilege.
This all happened in front of the Real Estate office where we went today to close on the sale of our rental property. Wow has the experience changed since the first closing I muddled through some ???? years ago. Then everyone sat around a table meanly and attorney like staring at each other, pretending to read every paragraph before anyone signed anything.
Well today the Title Guy walks in with a friendly smile on his face? He is really good at explaining things? Sure they are advertising gimics, but he gives us all the pens we could count to take home?
Then our Agents want to know if they can get us something to drink? Something to munch on? Stop it. I can't take it.
The Sellers these days have fewer lines to sign, so our Agents suggest, and the Title Guy agrees, "no sense you guys sitting here for the next half hour, forty five minutes. Why not take a walk and enjoy this beautiful day? We'll wait for you to get back."
Stop it! What's going on here? Where's the pain? Where's the anger, the suffering?
We walked the typical distance to find a Starbucks. That would be one block. We slowly downed some Mochas and then sauntered, and I mean sauntered back to the realty office.
We were graciously welcomed as the buyer was wrapping up his end of the carpal tunnel test. There was some mysterious shuffling going on among our agents. Okay, here's where they are going drop the old hidden seller fees on us, right?
Instead they unveil packets of two dozen roses for Us, the Buyer, and the Buyer's agent. This is getting out of hand. Something has to be up because the Agents still have these sneaky little grins on their faces. Well the Roses came with cards. Inside the envelope housing our card was a new surprise. Here we found a restaurant gift card in an amount great enough to actually eat at that restaurant.
Even we got into the act, handing a patched up screen to the buyer he didn't even know was missing. Well come on, the thought was there.
Everybody is shaking hands, everybody is smiling, no evidence of buyer or seller remorse. What the heck is going on? How long has this been going on? If we'd known, we'd have been buyng and selling houses all the time. This is fun.
Life sure has its interesting flip flops. When did selling or buying a house become more fun than driving an Ice Cream Truck?
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