Saturday, June 4, 2005

Say Cheese!

So just a quick follow up on yesterday's entry. I meet with Laura at the Vegan store. She already has a huge Jamba Juice and is not hungry, so the whole Vegan compromise issue is a bust.  We chat and re-arrange the world and I'm not even thinking about food.  And then up walks Lainey Irwin, a student from my Radio Class. She too is stopping off for a Jamba Juice before she heads to work at Papa Murphy's. You may know what Papa Murphy sells. Pizza! I should stop by, she says, and get a pizza. Well I did, and yeah it had some Vegan stuff on it, some tomatoes, some green onion and some cheese which I think is okay in some Vegan circles.  But it was also loaded with Chicken.   Well I took it home, gave Peggy one piece and then I pretty much absorbed the rest. I topped it off with a natural rasberry, pistacio, chocolate cookie. But, hey, I downed that with some decaf green tea?  But you are right. I'm a weak man. My heart is not heavy with guilt. I tried.  But my stomach is heavy with pain. I'm going to bed and sleep on it.

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