Sunday, July 1, 2007

What's all the FLAP

CAPTION: "Robin NewWing? You are cleared for takeoff on runway 25 right. Happy contrails."

It is fully winged, full of worms and ready to fly. I call it an IT 'cause Peggy says to know otherwise I'd have to tip it upside down.. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

I'm going to get up early tommorrow to make sure I don't miss the flight. But no guarantees. Join me in wishing our no longer so little Robin....GOOD FORTUNE.

"BON VOYAGE ROBIN. MAY THE WIND ALWAYS BE AT YOUR BACK. (Toss any in of your own should you like.)"

"Oh, and don't be stupid like some of your brothers and sisters and go banging right into a window. To my knowledge bird aspirin has yet to reach the over the counter market. TWEET!" 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wishing you good fortune Robin. Paula