Thursday, July 5, 2007

Patriot Games

The last time Peggy and I sat outdoors at sunset and watched fireworks wind came up and set hills all around us on fire. The night's excitement consisted of running for our vehicle and racing for safety. [Yeah, the fire department was in charge of the show.]

In intervening years we've just gotten ourselves a hotel room on a high floor and watched from a distance.

Well, I don't know what got into me. I nudged Peggy all day long Wednesday until she agreed to change our evil ways and join the throngs.

I'm so glad! 


Fourth day of July, I see Pike’s Peak, beer, brat, kraut, mustard, flag T Shirt, band, trike, bike, boom, boom, bassoon. There’s family, memory, pride, sacrifice, freedom, CLANG, CLANG, friendly F-16 flyover, tuba, march, kettle corn, blanket, shorts, torn shirts, blankets, camping chairs, babies, toddlers, kids, kids lost,  mommies, daddies, grand daddies, grand mommies, grand-grand-grand daddies, families of many shapes and sizes,  choir, “mine eyes have seen the glory,” may your bombs burst in air, sunset, mountains, face paint, smiles, chills, hugs, smiles, Goth , hats cowboy, baseball, balloon, and more. Kids, kids, kids, of all kinds and all minds, faces, brass, March some more, neighbors and not, imagination, dancing in dirt, and THEN: fireworks, FIREWORKS, KA BOOM, OH SIGHT AND SOUND. So much NOISE, so many COLORS, so many SHAPES, so COOL even when it’s HOT. I’m full and I only ate a brat-wurst, not to be confused with the wurst brat (kid) on the block.


A few lost kids, found, but no fires and some great picture memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a barrel of fun. It did stop raining here in south texas in time for the fireworks. Paula