Thursday, June 21, 2007


CAPTION: "Can I get that dragon fly medium rare, please?"

     What came first the Robin or the Egg?   


   One of the positive things about a deck is it compels you to get outside once in a while.  And once out there if you keep your eyes peeled, you see some pretty amazing things.

     That's a Robin's nest, ergo a just born Robin with it's brother still sleeping in. I know it's out of focus, and not very well lit...but visiting hours at this nursery are very short. And I just felt driven to share. I may go back tommorrow if Mama Robin Red Breast will let me.

      Think about it.  You're sitting around with your toddler some day, and the kid says:

      "Daddy, how are babies made?"

       "Listen kid, I've got pictures."

      That sure beats that phony STORK yarn.

       And think about it?

       "Well we all come from eggs, son!"

       I mean that IS true.

       Now if I can just get inside a Bee's nest?

       (You know, birds and bees?)

       It just dawned on me. If you've got the right ingredients, cliches work!

       Anyway this is all too exciting to share with the Deck Drama. We'll get back to that tommorrow.

      TWEET, TWEET! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't get your picture so I'll have to come back later. Got a little sidetracked here and have been missing on the deck building. Paula