Well, it’s time to get back astride the well worn leather.
[I’ll go to any extreme to bypass a cliché.]
I have plenty of well thought out rationalizations for not blogging lately
[Interesting observation here. Microsoft Word’s spell and grammar check doesn’t recognize any form of the term BLOG. That leaves me with a conundrum. Is BLOGGING spelled with two ‘g’s or three? You’ve probably all decided already and just haven’t shared. Let me know. I’ll go either way on it. Just a thought!]
But you’re not going to buy any excuses. So let’s just drop it and move on.
Today class, I’d like to talk about TIME and SPACE.
[RELAX Albert! Ask anyone who knows me well. I am no threat.]
By non-scientific observation over a number of years I’ve casually accepted the biased TRUTH that we, mankind, are a strange species. We seldom participate in available activities that support what we profess.
I’m going to narrow this exploration now and fill in the blanks in later BLOG entries. Let’s talk about ELEVATORS.
WHY DON’T WE USE THE ELEVATORS? (Mr. Otis Regrets, heh, heh!)
I’m thinking elevators came into play principally to support our addiction to conquering TIME and SPACE. So why, tell me why no one (figuratively speaking Albert) uses the elevators at AIRPORTS. Why do we (generic WE) insist on forcing ourselves into balls of humanity on the escalator. Isn’t a straight line the fastest (TIME) and shortest (SPACE) way to get from one place to the next?
Why, tell me why, we don’t use the elevators at SHOPPING MALLS. They even make them nice and fancy for us with the open views of all the greenery and art. But, no! We cram all ourselves on to slow moving, oxygen sucking, sweat producing, body odor revealing, short temper exposing ESCALATORS. Does anybody even know who invented the ESCALATOR? And is that the most oxymoronic oxymoron in the English language? [Personally I think it tops RUSH HOUR!]
But I don’t want to belabour this observation during this joyous season. Sometimes things just get into your head and you’ve got to get them out. I’ll return to this theme now and then, but enough for now. In the meantime try an elevator while your shopping and traveling. No doubt your tax dollar paid for them one way OR the other. And just remember the old formula:
I’ll get back to you soon. But if you happen to be out of town? Merry Christmas, etal and Happy New Year.
1 comment:
Good to see you back.
Me, I prefer BLOGGING. If it were BLOGING, thenI would want to say BLOJING, and what the heck does that mean?
As for Escalator versus Elevator, first of all, why is it called an Escalator? Does it escalate anything? No Sir. It crawls up through space at a snail's pace. But its slowness does allow for a lot of eye-balling the surrounding environment and if you ride backwards, you can check out cute guys and gals on the steps behind you. In general, I find escalators soothing and relaxing. A good place to have a nice cup of tea, or maybe a Gin and Tonic.
The Elevator does live up to its name. And it's usually fast. Downside - going downside? - it's claustrophic, people do their best to avoid each other's eye, there is a certain tension - and there's always someone trying to push in with a baby stroller aimed at your shin bone. But is IS usually fast, and you don't have to get off and run around to find the next one to the next floor. A real pain if you are headed in a hurry to Floor Number Nuevo.
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