Friday, August 18, 2006

What the HILL?

You know how rapidly rabbits multiply? Well I find out today they've got nothing on Caterpillars in that arena.  Yesterday we had two Caterpillar Bullydozers in the backyard? Today we've got 19 of them, and the hill behind us?  Pretty much gone.

That purple looking mountain there in the background?  That's Pike's Peak, which actually inspired the words "Purple Mountains Majesty."

The irony here is that we've never seen Pike's Peak from our backyard before.

A little side note: I've noticed that there are some people who get behind the wheel of a big SUV?  They think they have superpowers, and we should all get out of their way? They don't.

But you know what? Men and women who drive Caterpillar Bullydozers?  After watching them up close and personal today?



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