Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Idle Insanityl

My wife Peggy often wonders about the resulting verbal and written expressions of my brain synapses. It is comfortable to discount her observations as just being around me too much.

But today, after listening to me muse out loud, my piano professor Rosemary declared, "Paul, you need to get a job."

So I feel an obligation to test my sanity on a larger scale. This won't take too much of your time.

First, and I know off the top this is going to sound politically incorrect, but be patient. BLACK is driving me nuts. "Huh," you say?

As I look in front of me at this very moment I see my camera. It is black. I see my glasses case, and it is black. My desk lamp is BLACK. I see my scotch tape dispenser? It is BLACK. My Epson printer? BLACK! Modem? BLACK! The screen, speaker, the desk top tower and mouse? They are all....let's say it together now, "BLACK!"

Moving away from my desk? The TV is BLACK, the TV remote is BLACK, the power cord for my cell phone is BLACK, my cell phone is BLACK, my camera tripod is BLACK, my lens cases are all BLACK, the radio is BLACK, the combination VCR-DVD recorder-player is BLACK. All but three of my 100 VCR file tapes are, may we say BLACK? I am looking at a total of seven bags and cases I use to transport things I need on any given day. You'd think at least one of them would be ecru. NOPE! BLACK.

In many cases I'm sure I have only myself to blame. I must have had some options when I bought these things. But there was no way I could have predicted the resultant dilemma. YOU TRY TO FIND YOUR GLASSES CASE AT MY AGE AT FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING IN A SEA OF BLACK!

Okay, subject change here. Boy do I feel sorry for Tiger Woods newly born son. What could he and his wife been thinking. What do they name the child? Charlie???

So the kid gets through pre-school, and heads off to some private academy for his education. Do we think the other progeny at the school are really going to call him CHARLIE? NO! They are going to call him CHUCK, aren't they? Let's see, how does that go now?

"How much Wood(s) could a Wood(s) Chuck, Chuck, if a Wood(s) Chuck could Chuck Wood (s)

Well I guess it'll toughen him up. Remember Johnny Cash, and "A BOY NAMED SUE?"

So come on now, are these the thoughts of a man who needs a job?

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