Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What You See?

CAPTION: "Just had!"

Remember how Jonathon Livingston Seagull wanted to be his own bird, to fly where no gull had ever flown before? So imagine Jonathon's disdain when he finds his OWN offspring, little Johnny Junior,  ignoring the  FUTURE Jonathon had mapped out for him.

"Oh Dear Bird in Heaven, what has become of my son?"

There he is, little Johnny Seagull, sipping a Margarita with Sea Salt. What will become of him?.

Well see if you can follow this bizarre object lesson.

I quite often (as late as yesterday actually) preach to my TV journalism students to be prepared for TV Moments. 

While my friend Jim Weis hanging on to his camera to get video of a semi sliding out of control on ice, just inches away from him, and then staying with the shot as the semi totally wipes out his news van? That is being prepared for and capturing a TV moment.

But you know what? A seagull sipping out of a straw is also a TV moment, a picture of something entirely out of character. 

Now lest you think what a clever imagination I must have.  This IS what I saw, and the sketch didn't fall too far from the tree, if you know what I mean. But I'm sneaking the next lesson in here.

While it was what I saw, what I saw wasn't really what it was? I'll explain that in a second after succinctly cautioning, CHECK IT OUT FIRST before sharing that TV moment.

So here is what Peggy and I really saw sitting in  restaurant along California's Central Coast.  We saw Jonathon Livingston Seagull and his kid sitting on a post...with the kid hoping to score some food from Dad. (Jonathon was probably MOM and not JONATHAN at all).  Anyway, as I'm shooting the birds of a feather through the restaurant glass, a light reflection takes the Margarita off OUR table and transports it visually right out to that under aged delinquent, "Little Johnny Livingston."


So the little message is, no matter how great that TV moment may seem in your eye piece? Check it out before you pass it on.


Mostly I just enjoyed sketching the birds and wanted to share...boy I had no idea how complex their feet are?

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