Monday, February 4, 2008

"Mmmmm, GOOD!"

CAPTION: "Hey sugar you gonna eat that WHOLE cream puff all by yourself?"


I know EATING fish is supposed to be good for you? But I think in the real world that's only if you go out and catch it yourself. Up close this old harbor seal looks more like an ELEPHANT seal.

And I hate to tell you this...but my observation is he didn't get this BIG chasing down sharks.  You see this guy is at least my age in SEAL years...or heck...I don't know...maybe humanoid years.

No, he's become this floating monster by hanging around  outside a fish RESTAURANT in Morro Bay, California.

Now unlike me, his MONSTROUS girth is an asset. Hear tell all that extra tissue keeps him warm? And let me tell you from his  BARK? That WAISTLINE  in fact supports some impressive RESPIRATION and VOICE PROJECTION. That really comes in handy for begging.

Can you tell I'm HARBORing a little resentment. So here's what I'm thinking?

If I just sat out behind this FRENCH PASTRY shop? And if I just bob up and down BARKing (aka BEGGing) for scraps? Wouldn't it be AEROBIC and good for me?

I'm sorry. It's true. I'm gettin' a little jealous of the BIG GUY. Oh, and look at that classic GRAY beard. How do you get whiskers to do that. I can dye mine to get that HUE, but I think I'd have to digest a lot of croissants to get hair that THICK.   

Well, I'm clearly suffering from SUGAR deprivation or I wouldn't be rambling on like this. But let me point one thing out to you? The old guy can eat all the BARRICUDA he wants? Let's SEAL the deal on this one.

He can't SKETCH a clam with those flippers.

I took his picture about ten years ago, but I'm sure he's still hanging around the wharf in Morro Bay if you are looking for an ICON that says, "BIG IS BEAUTIFUL."

(what if I swam around the local pool while you tossed me some tarts? Arf! Arf!)

Have a great day. Wanna SEAL it with a KISS?

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