Sunday, February 10, 2008

Kansas Girl

The wonderful Wizard of Oz....

I know it's neither wise or politically correct to talk about your art. But, and you'd have to check with Peggy, I don't think there are very many social conventions I haven't already violated.  So what's one more.

I shot this picture last July 4th.  And in my mind it really was one of those rare TV moments. It's just something you don't see every day.

What you cannot see? This is a 4th of July celebration venue in the middle of a field of wheat stubble. Facing the other direction there are 4,000 people facing a stage where there is entertainment.

This girl (Kansas Girl) felt her time could better be spent catching some ultra violet, while absoring the prose of her favorite author.

Why "Kansas Girl?"

Well my mother was a Kansas girl.  All my aunts on my mother's side (there was a ton of them) were all Kansas Girls. About 10 of my current and former students are Kansas Girls. 

Now if you should ever catched me stereotyping like this again have me arrested. The must be a law against it.

Now the truth is this girl could have been from Jersey.  But here is a known factor for me.  All those "Kansas Girls" I just mentioned?

They would ALL be comfortable dropping down in a field of wheat stubble to catch up on their reading.

(Of course it helps to HAVE a field of wheat stubble!)

Okay, true confessions...and I hope some of you will consider me BRAVE for sharing this? One of the real reasons I took the picture, and then re-created the moment with "oil pastels" (my first attempt)?






Well, the real reason she caught my eye is because the subject is  built just like Peggy was built when she was 17.

Oh, am I in trouble....\

See ya.....Maybe!!


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