Thursday, November 12, 2009

Leaf Me Alone!

"How do I love thee Leaf? Let me count the ways."
So why am I down here raking them I hear you say?

Well first of all I want to make it perfectly clear I am not bowing to the neighborhood gendarmes.

Well, then am I a rebel who has lost his cause? Not in the least! "If I be Rakish, best beware my sting."
(Anybody who can sort out that vague reference I'll buy a beer. But to protect myself from BEER-uptcy, the offer is only good until midnight.)
Now here is an explanation you might buy. We have the only Maple for several houses in each direction. It is pretty clear that when a Maple leaf, like the one I sketched up top, shows up in your neighbor's yard? If they are the "RAKING" kind it won't be hard to find the "MAPLE MAN."
AND you need to know I adore all my neighbors, they are a blessing every day. And to be honest, most of my quirky esoteric causes play second fiddle to the good will we share.
(You know there are some on the block, who will remain nameless, who appear share my love of xylem and phloem. They've left their leaves alone too.)
So is that why I'm out here stuffing beautiful leaves into ugly black plastic bags?
I'm sorry. Even if I must stand all alone with my leaves of many colors, I will defend their honor and let them decompose in peace.

Well, then why on earth am I out here being mean to these potential progenitors of TEA?

Well, it turns out I do have my price. Being the good American citizen I am, I've hearkened to the call of the economic fix-it crowd. We are re-fi-ing and the appraiser scheduled an appearance yesterday. I had no clear picture of where SHE STOOD on leaves.

( I cowardly didn't ask her either.)

I'm afraid that is the whole story. There are still some leaves hanging around and the forecast calls for some brisk wind this weekend. It may not be too late get a good bed of them down before the next snow.

Meantime the rest of you leaf rebels.....?


Do I owe anybody a beer yet?


Lori said...

I know! I know! It is from The Taming of the Shrew -- "If I be waspish, best beware my sting." Oh I just love Katherina! I know I missed the midnight deadline, but that's okay because I don't like beer, anyway! lol

Unknown said...