It is my contention, even though I'm not a practicing Hindu, that the Marquis De Sade has been reincarnated as a packaging design engineer for Alka Seltzer.
First of all in my entire history of using the product the suggested dose, so to speak, has been TWO tablets. In bygone days you'd have to get TWO tablets out of this little round bottle with the circumference of a "giga-inch." Very few human fingers were small enough to reach in and pinch the little fizzes.
I must not have been the only disgruntled addict, because in time, the company asked the Marquis to redesign their packaging. And what did that little sadist come up with?
He came up with this little plastic packagelet designed for lilliputian use.
(Caution: Make sure you don't effort removing the tablets from said package right after trimming your fingernails.)
Anyway, once again it is incredibly difficult to get the tablet out of it's jail cell...and once you do? Sorry, that is not enough. You must dig deeper into this plastic concoction to get a second tablet so you can imbibe the appropriate dose.
If you didn't have an upset stomach prior to this exercise, certainly one will develop during the unwrapping challenge.
Now, as sadistic as the packaging is? Let me ask Alka Seltzer and the Marquis a question?
If the suggested dose of your product is two tablets? WHY, PLEASE TELL ME WHY, don't you guys come up with just ONE TABLET that can get the job done. As my friend Susan says, "just sayin'!"
On a more positive note. I'm pretty sure I've discovered the secret to a long life. It all comes down to goal setting. For instance, in my case, I've vowed to complete the New York Times Sunday Crossword puzzle in one day without cheating, BEFORE I DIE. (Who thinks like those guys?)
You may want to absorb some of Susan Kelley's wit and wisdom. And you may do that by visiting her website at: