Friday, December 12, 2008

Knock Knock!

Thank you class. Please be seated. Be prepared to take MENTAL notes.

There is just a FLICKER of hope that this posting will make any sense. This time of year I like to take at least one stab at some "stream of consciousness" scribbling.
( Did you hear James Joyce moan? I think I did.)

And this year I'm going to combine my free wheeling cognition with a lingering ambition to be a caption writer.....just give me an image and then let's "rock and roll."

I sketch light rail riders almost every day...and sometimes they get off the train before I'm finished. That may be why this guy appears to have only one eye. And then again he did stumble a little bit when he hopped off the train..... could be he really did have only one good eye.

I'm always preachin' the value of eye contact with my announcing students...but I've been noticing whilst sketching .......
that a whole lot of attitude can be expressed with dorsal posturing.....

I don't think it is necessary to be eyeball to eyeball to know which side of your head to dread. Just the shape of your hair is the hint that replaces the glint....whoops...."free verse" in the literary nurse...see if she's got a remedy in her purse. Look at her upper lip...I think this model may curse.

Is there a name for the hair style...that lets locks drip over one eye.....I'm is such a can you know if they cry....or sigh....or LIE?

I don't get that with this guy....He's an original..can't be duplicated....I've looked....We don't need his eyes to see him show surprise......
Some of those "stream of consciousness" guys just go...on and on and on....but not me...because see is getting late

...and while there is still a flicker of light I need to crawl into my nest.....and say good night.

(There will be a pop quiz on this one of these days.)

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