Sunday, January 4, 2009

Blow Hard

I just recently had a birthday. At my age you tend to be the receiver of gifts purchased under the motivation, "What do you get for someone that old?"
A wise OLD owl once said..........

Typically the most meaningful gifts are those coming from folks just about your own own age. Case in point? My older sister Theda sent me an envelope full of balloons. So here's the deal on balloons.

First of all, for me, it is an opportunity to celebrate my birthday along with the advent of spell check. You see I could have fifteen PhDs in my back pocket, and I'd still have about ten words I can never spell. One of them? Oh you are so good. That's right! It is BALLOON.

Now secondly an envelope full of balloons is a real test of what is left of my physiology.
Here I am infusing air into one of the gift balloons.

And here is my rendering of ALL the balloons blown up. And I didn't faint once.

The final and likely most important characteristic of the appropriateness of an envelope of balloons for someone of my maturity? What wonderful memories of childhood those balloons induce. After blowing up the balloons?


A. let the air out of one and let it fly all over the family room.

B. let the air out very slowly turning the resulting blare into "Old Mac Donald Had a Farm."

C. rubbed all the balloons through what hair I've left to create static electricity, thus allowing me to then attach the balloons all over my body.

I lost a cousin this past week. Mike Gooch was truly one of the World's GOOD GUYS! I called him the original "horse whisperer." He let me burst out of a chute atop his horse Chip. I was chasing a calf with a rope.

I know Mike squelched his laugh, but I'm sure Chip, wherever he is, is still in therapy over the end result of my one and only roping attempt.

"You're supposed to let go of the rope when you throw it out there Paul!"

(There is a chance the calf is seeing the same shrink.)

I'll miss you and think about you a lot Mike!

Let's see? Is it one 'l' and two 'o's, or......? Love ya ta death spell check.

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