Three more days, and I'll bet we'll start being a little less angry. We'll cut back on attacking each other with words taken out of context. The kissing and making up will begin. Here in this subdivision, I've seen plenty of Mc Cain signs.
And I've seen plenty of Obama signs.
I'm not sticking my head in the sand, but I've decided not to show you some of the really hateful expressions. (They make me mad.)
But I did want to point out one curious phenomenon. It seems regardless of whether you are pulling for Obama or Mc Cain?
Everybody seems to be voting for (3 A) and (3 B.) In this neighborhood that means NEW taxes for schools. There also seems to be a big push on to raise taxes to support libraries in the county( 5).
Hmmmm? Special Interest? Pork Barrel? Who gets the credit or blame, Democrat or Republican, if the votes are up or down? Isn't it interesting that no matter how hard we try, we all end up on the same side once in a while? We are all a lot more alike than we seem to want to admit.
That is just a few of my thoughts racing through my brain trying to organize this new political party.
While leafing through my sketches I came upon this fallen work of nature. Yes it is a leaf, a maple leaf to be somewhat precise. And it reminds me once again that we are in the formative stages of organizing the LEAF party. In a previous missive I spoke of our numbers, and how powerful we can be if we stick together.
But to remain strong and influential we must also be diverse. Above you the Maples are joined by Ash and Aspen....and see we are only into the 'A's.
Now look up there. Leaves of all colors, shapes and sizes are comfortably huddled together. Every single leaf is making a contribution to the rainbow.
They are all making ultimate sacrifices to fertilize the healthy growth of the next generation.
Let me be a little bit careful with this next thought. I'm using caution because, while I deeply trust the source, my information is second hand. My source paraphrases a radio talk show host of a definite political bent:
"I don't like people who won't take a side, and then stand up and fight for it. They are gutless, and I have absolutely no respect for them."
What happened to looking at both sides of an issue? What happened to making rational choices through thoughtful investigation and deliberation.
What happened to letting knowledge control fear, instead of the other way around.
Don't misunderstand the author here. It would be a mistake to think that I or the LEAF party will just roll over at the thought of conflict. We'll fight, but we won't fight over fallacious innuendo and bitter diatribe.
I was pretty young in the 50's....but before we allow ourselves to slip back into that smudge on our reputation? Let's read that chapter in our history books.
(Yes, it's true, I can now confess. I was once in a room where there were reportedly three, now wait a minute, maybe they were's not right...oh, yeah....Democrats. Were there Libertarians around in the 50s? I think somebody was smoking marijuana and inhaling in that room.)
I just hope that we in the LEAF party can keep our heads above the fray and when it counts, see the light.
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