Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I'm going in for some minor surgery tomorrow, and will likely be out of commission for a few days.  AND....I feel obligated to get this second blog entry on the web today...since I might forget it when the drugs wear off.

One of "Paul's Proverbs" I arrogantly profess in class is: THE REAL NEWS IS ALWAYS A BLOCK AWAY.



Having the Democratic National Convention in town provides the perfect poster child for the proverb.

Anyone can see what's going on inside the convention hall.  You don't even need a ticket.  Just watch it on just about everyone's TV.

The real stories, with more than 200 thousand extra people in town, is at least a block away from the Pepsi Center. 



There are honest debates going on on every corner, there is diversity of opinion like you'll only see a few times in your life.



There is entertainment, security of all kinds, police snipers on top of buildings.  This is an amazing test of the freedom of expression.



But those who know me REALLY well, have already figured I'd found something even better.

If it were me?  And I'd been assigned to come up with something good?


I'd convince somebody they should run a piece on the power of concentration of 16th street mall Chess Players. 



I think that story is about 8 blocks away.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VERY interesting.  It would be nice if the cameras had rolled out there as well as inside the center.