Monday, August 4, 2008

Tune Up my beautiful balloon."

I think I've talked about the young people in the media support group we've got going.  We call it the "MetNet," mostly graduates of Metropolitan State College. Let me introduce you to a few of them.

That's Vanessa Grinestaff up there...supposedly working a story on her summer internship at KUSA TV. She is a Concert Nut...travels all over the country to see and hear Bon Jovi.

She has been working a lot with an old photographer friend of mine, Scott Wright.  I wonder if she knows Scott plays a mean "bluegrass" banjo? 

Vanessa is a talented self taught photographer and editor.  And she is open to just about any adventure you throw at her.  Let me get back to Vanessa shortly.

That's my fat hand playing a middle C chord.

This is a more impressive B flat in the key of F major.

If I'd listened to my 6th grade music teacher "Miss Freeze", who told me boldly, "don't EVER think of doing ANYTHING musical. For one thing, you have no ear for it?" 

Clearly you'd have never seen these snapshots.

So at age 64, I take up the piano.  That's all after singing at weddings, in church choirs, in musicals, art songs and arias at an Italian restaurant and a ton of in the shower solos.


 But it can come out as arrogance setting myself up as the role model for a point of view.   So it's nice to have young people,  just getting started in the World role models, to take my place........people like Vanessa and..... 


Jonathon Snyder.  Jonathon has just graduated and is out testing the water.  He has a rock band getting a lot of work in town.  He also has been doing public relations for some non-profit groups.  He is managing a small theatre that specializes in documentaries.   He also books live acts at the theatre, and does a little "standup" himself on "open mic" night. 

One of my persistent messages I pass on to students in every class?


Vanessa and Jonathon can waive that lesson. They were cases in point long before they heard me mutter anything. 

Still there are times when you need a backboard to bounce those ideas off.  So.....


Jonathon and I have a random get together to explore yet more nuances of his dreams.  I'll update you on them after he gets his feet wet.

That's the role model I want to be. If young people come to me for career advice? I WILL NOT BE MISS FREEZE.  I will NOT say, "follow the money! And for @$%#^& sake don't get into music!"

I cannot tell you how exhilarating it is to hear an F flat coming from these 65 year old fat fingers.  That is what MetNet is all about.



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