Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Keeping up

Flirtatious: "Here little halibut...come to papa."

Real Mood: Hungry

Prediction: Somebody watching seagulls will someday design the perfect aircraft.


Here's another shot of the lighthouse I missed because I was out of film fifteen or sixteen years ago. As nice as this opportunity was it still fall short of the picture I imagined I would have gotten the first time around.  On that day it was just at dusk and a fog bank was covering the bottom ten feet of the tower. A splintered sunset was resting right on top of the fog. At  least in my minds eye it was incredible.  But this one ain't bad?

  I've also been watching "Jonathon Livingston Seagull's" progeny flit around the sea cliffs.  I went down and talked to the sea lions during low tide, and forgot my sun screen.  So now I'm talking to myself. We're heading out now to reaquaint me with a truly fresh halibut filet, and Peggy will probably have a spinach salad. (she hates fish....hates fish on her plate I mean) Let's talk soon.

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