Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Sunday I joined 40 other talented musicians for a piano recital. It was my second one ever. How did it go?

I don't recall the author of this story I'm about to tell, but I plan to tell it anyway.

A young American Diva has just completed a successful debut at the Met in New York. Now she has traveled to Milan, Italy to showcase her talent in a one woman show at La Scala.

She is not sure whether it is the stress of travel, or not being familiar with the acoustics in the great hall, but she knows she is slightly off key in her concluding aria.

She's heard just how critical Italian audiences can be, so she is dreading the response to her errors.

But, as she steps off stage, she is gratified to hear, "ENCORE, ENCORE!"

So she returns to the stage and belts out that aria one more time. And once again she can't get her voice to master those same few notes. And yet, "ENCORE, ENCORE!"

This continues, and after 5 more encores the exhausted Diva faces the audience, and in her best Italian utters, "I thank you all so much for you praise. You have no idea what this means to me. But, to be honest I really don't think I can sing this terribly demanding aria for you again tonight."

Well a verbal response comes from the very back of the theatre. It is a high pitched strident voice, dripping with disdain.

And that voice in its best English screams, "YOU'LL DO IT UNTIL YOU DO IT RIGHT!"

SO, HOW DID I DO? At least we all left smiling.

And isn't that a 'High Five' coming my way?

Well this is not all I have on my mind. I've also got some "LATE RAKING NEWS!"
But that is just a tease, and you'll have to wait until tomorrow to get the WHOLE STORY.


the Preppy Princess said...

That is so cool, I don't think I knew you played!

BTW, our leaves are worse than your leaves. Promise. Heh-heh-heh.

Paul said...

To the Preppy Princess: I think RAKING Michigan leaves should be a first class felony.

Lori said...

Great job on your recital!!