Saturday, October 31, 2009


I'm thinkin' that's Casper and friends having a conference on our deck plotting fearful events for "All Hallows Eve!"



Officially we picked up 20 inches of snow, some areas nearby stacked up almost four feet worth of what ski areas call "white gold."

I GUESS it's newsworthy. I mean it is NOT Balloon Boy!

But the National Weather Service says it is the biggest October snow event here in a decade.
Made it a little tough to soak up vitamin D on the deck.

Kudos to the economically strapped U.S. Postal Service. Somehow, at least in our neighborhood, they held true (neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow) to their motto.
"Arf, arf....arf...growl....bark...arf....woof."
"You want to loosen the reins back there. I'm freezing my ____up here. I can't even feel my paws. I hope they're still there. I mean, come on, at least you have boots on."
"Sorry big guy. I'm moving as fast as I can!"

"Hey, look at the babes over there!"

"Oh, yeah. I hear ya!"
"I get the short one."
"Deal. What happened to your sore paws and foul mood?"

Here's one that got away. I'm walking through this winter wonder place when I espy an isolated swing set. My camera is at home.
An early teen boy is gravitationally and centrifically swinging into a parallel posture with the upper support beam.
Then he releases his grasp, slingshotting his heft into the sky to land where fate guides him. Fate is a deep snowdrift where he lands, bounces sore and wet. But you know what? He is smiling and he is proud.
More often than not, risk leads to reward.

This is my pet park bench. It sits in the middle of a five acre park, attached to and associated with both nothing and everything. I wish I had the discipline to get a shot of it from the same spot every single day for a year. It has so many, many stories to tell.

It is a big tease.
"Come sit on me if you dare!," says the bench.

If you live in this metropolitan area, this will come as no surprise. The rest of you might be amazed to know that these tons of new snow have almost all melted two days later. Yep, the golf courses are back in business. It is our little secret and it makes no difference at all that I'm sharing it with you. Why? Because unless you live Here? You think I'm fibbin', don't you?

"Excuse me, I need to go mow the lawn, get the candy ready for the ghouls and..."
"Yeah, rake the leaves. BAH! HUMBUG!"

1 comment:

Lori said...

20 inches! Wow!
(Please don't send any our way!)