Saturday, November 24, 2007


Just a quick thought. We all seem so in tune with the world on Thanksgiving. Could it just be that it's because we are so well fed?

I've had some time to try some new sketching media this past week. That makes me happy.


And I'm playing with some new what can I see crammed in 27 E on the flight from Denver to SFO.


And my muse is telling me to draw a whole bunch of hands and feet.


It's a whole hunk of fun. And one needn't search far for a model.

I guess there are many ways one can feel well fed, eh? Hope you get as fed up as me this holiday season.  Oh, wow I can hear a huge gaggle of geese flying by.

You know what? My old friend and colleague TV Anchor Anne Trujillo actually publicly and loudly acknowledged  ON THE AIR that the day after Thanksgiving is NOT the busiest shopping day of the year. Luv ya Anne.  That urban myth created by merchant spin masters has been around for at least twenty years. And for at least 20 years it has just been one of those little things that have bugged me awful.  Boy I am having a good Thanksgiving. You too?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoying your drawings and yes I can see you don't have to search for models. I'm happy you had a nice holiday. Mine was wonderful. Paula