Thursday, August 16, 2007

So Long Pal

CAPTION: "Is that you Sheila?"

My heart weighs a ton today. When I was a child I had a standing wish that someday I would have a Pen Pal. It would be someone from a distant land, someone I'd probably never meet in person, but someone I could just let loose with, be vulnerable with, care about, long for the wisdom of.  I know I gave it a shot a few times, but it never worked out.

Then along comes this blog, and out of the woodwork comes Sheila from Yonkers, New York. She is a woman of many wonderful words, a few of which I share with you now.

From Sighlemaccaba:

"I was right there with you, feeling the blissful peace of the storm."

"Absolutely gob smackingly brilliant. Ay Hombre!"

"I guess you qualify for OLD when you know what a BLOG is but never heard of My Space."

"Baited breath, dear boy, baited breath. You sure know how to keep a person in suspenders."

"As for escalators? First of all why is it called an escalator? Does it escalate anything? It crawls up through space at a snail's pace. But.....if you ride backwards, you can check out the cute guys and gals behind you. I find an escalator soothing and relaxing, a good place to have a nice cup of tea, or maybe a gin and tonic."

"No Comment."

I haven't heard from Sheila from Yonkers for while. I know she's been fighting cancer. Two days ago I was excited to see an email pop up with her user name. But when I opened it, it read, "Remove from Mailing List."

I sure miss you pen pal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry you lost your pen pal. I have had a few over the years and they never worked out either. I do have one now and we call each other un-penpals as we only contact each other about once a year. Why do we bother? I don't know, we just do. Paula