Friday, August 25, 2006

"'re on...."

I'm guessing there is a little bit of "JERK" in all of us.  And I sense my portion is about to surface.   But you need to know, in my mind?  It's justifiable Jerkiside.

Now I've been sorta documenting this highway they are building behind my house?  Mostly I'm doing it because I can.  So here I am with a window open up stairs?  I'm just cranking off frame after frame of more and more Bullydozers.

So I'm having my fun and all of a sudden this official looking white van pulls right into my shot.  You do that?  Your image is captured. And you are fair game.  This whole incident might have ended right on the spot....But.....?

As the van is driving away?  The guy riding shot gun espies me in the window and orders the driver to throw it in reverse.  This officious looking passenger gets this "gnarly" expression on as the van is retracing it's progress?  He's ready to confront me, ready to fight?  But when push comes to shove? He can't meet me EYE to EYE. But he keeps that "grimace a goin'!' I should probably LET myself be intimidated once in a while to keep the peace.  But I don't think so! Certainly not in this case.

I can tell by looking at the logo on the van? He probably works for county public works.  ( I wouldn't, however, put it past the HOA committee to dress up like public work's officials.)

Regardless, what is this guy's NOSE doing in my backyard? I'm glad I had my underwear on.

The whole reason I'm telling you all this is to prepare you for my JERKICIDE.  I BESEECH YOU AT THIS MOMENT TO LOOK AT PICTURE NUMBER TWO (2).

Timing is everything. This guy gets his face in my lens just as I'm discovering the DISTORT function in Photo Shop. I feel no shame. I do not feel childish.  He needs to know there are consequences for acting tough and NOSY.  I, in fact, encourage him to do the same to me while I'm peeking into his backyard.  

Okay, now back to MR. NICE GUY!


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