Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Flirtatious: "Who is the HOT CHICK?"

Real Mood: Effusive

I have a niece, and her name is Donna.  That's her up there on a visit with us in January. She might consider this an insult? As an adult I've always thought of Donna as a "Newer" and "Improved" Vanna White.

[I actually spent a couple of days with Vanna about ten years ago doing some feature stories. No offense Vanna, but Donna IS newer and improved.]

I can just barely count all my nieces and nephews on both hands. I love them all.

But Donna gets the nod right now. Donna, THE ALPHA FEMALE.

While the shortest among her sisters and brother?  She is clearly dominant. She is the oldest, and wisest. She doesn't have to say, "AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!" It's just accepted.

Observing from what I'd call an UNCLEY DISTANCE, it's always been clear. Don't do anything without CHECKING with Donna. And I think that's been true since toddlerhood. She's always had a spirit that rises above the crowd.

[I think Theda and Jerry wish they'd consulted with Donna before landing that plane in the middle of a New Mexico forest when Donna, I think, was less than a year old? I hate to think what Donna would have to say, even today, about the plan to feed her wild goat milk!]

I often talk to my students about working a room. If a camera or microphone opens up? Come alive!

Donna could be the poster child for that advice, but she doesn't wait for the cameras and microphones. What a delight it must be to be in her classroom.

[She's an elementary school teacher raising three beautiful, bright, unique and talented daugthers of her own.]

It's hard to miss Donna's leadership qualities. Even decisive Football Coach husband Matt clearly falls in line when Donna gets her mind made up.

[Some would call it a stubborn streak she inherits from her mother. I prefer to call it Donna's own special form of leadership.]

You never wonder what Donna is thinking. Donna TELLS you what she's thinking. Typically her declarations come with this overwhelming, high, positive energy. But just a caution!

DON'T MESS WITH DONNA if you accidentally push her button. She can also be the poster child for IN YOUR FACE.

Now I know that 'cause in a memorial service for my mother?  I impromtu coerce Donna, her sisters Dale and Deb, and cousin Cydney to join me in singing "Goodnight Irene!" It was one of my mother's favorite melodies. And since my mother's name is Pauline? I have us toss in the name change, too! 

I still have scars from Donna's delayed reaction, " I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MADE US DO THAT!"

It wasn't a pretty moment.

I'm sorry Donna. I just got carried away. I need to apologize for singing at your wedding, too. You were very kind and complimentary about the performance. But in retrospect?  I hate singing with organs.  It's impossible to find the melody. I'm sure I was tossing in flats and sharps that didn't belong.

At least in my case?  I think "The Lords Prayer" is meant to be READ not SUNG.

I'm introducing you all to my niece Donna right now for a reason. She is battling the dread of every woman, breast cancer. She has bravely and fiercely taken her battle public from day one.  She has amassed an army of support. But in this battle? No army can be too big.

Please take a second and appreciate that big smile you see up there. She'll sense you're thinking about her.

Of course, I'm also writing this hoping she'll read it and know for SURE, I'm thinking about her.

We love you Donna!


Anonymous said...

I appreciated that big smile the instant I saw it.  You go, Donna!!!

Anonymous said...

Paul, tell Donna we're all with her. Cancer is just one more thing for her to tackle and she sounds like she has the strength to do it! Best wishes in her fight. Deb

Anonymous said...

My brother Paul sang "The Lord's prayer" at Donna's wedding and it was soooo wonderful.  We all loved it. it made the ceremony!

To0 many women are suffereng from the breast cancer thing - it's time for a cure!