Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Goose Egg Caper

Life got a little goosey around Inverness Athletic Club this week. A great mystery surfaced that only I and my super-sleuth assistant "Phoebe the Cat" could solve.

No sooner had the nation put one birthing crisis behind it, than this pops up. The crime tape goes up more than a week ago. Investigators come and go without solving the one big question. This is a tough case.

Early one morning a personal trainer arrives for work and confronts this very suspicious goose blocking the entrance to the health club. Who is this goose? Why is he/her here? (Great crime alliteration, eh?)

Well it seems he/her is guarding a plant pot nest where yet another he/her goose is sitting on four eggs (eggs not legs).

Seems pretty cut and dried on the surface, but the question remains, "which one is the goose and which one is the gander?"

Rumors begin flying around the club that the goose lays the eggs and the gander sits on them. The starter of that rumor, a reputable club manager, says the claim is based on extensive research. Well Phoebe and I aren't buying it.

What lady like goose would try to show off her physical prowess by standing on one leg for hours on end.

And what classy feminine goose would possess such outlandish personal habits. No, this had to be the guy in this affair. This gander is just standing there on one leg saying in Gooselish, " See what I did, dude?"

I also did some deep research on goose/gander mating habits myself (Wikipedia). This goose is DEFINITELY a GANDER.

He'll need to impress US, because she is a little busy right now. If I were him I wouldn't be standing around looking stupid when the eggs crack. There will be a lot of REAL work to do then.

Phoebe says give the rumor monger a break. In some low light goose hues are similar to those of Antarctic penguins. And MALE penguins do sit on eggs.

"Yeah, okay, Phoebe, but to my knowledge, penguins don't honk!"

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