Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Three bags full

Small Mary O'deepes has lost her sheeps,

And doesn't know if she should fine them.

"Here she comes."

" Let's run! She never catch us."

"Faster Finnegan!"

"Uh, oh, she's backin' up."

"Let's see how game she is for the chase."

"Hey, I'm not jumping in the ocean. You think I'm some kind of IdJit?"

"When I say jump?"

"You jump!"

"Ah, and she'll never find me here."

"You lookin' for us sweet Mary?"

"Why Mary we been here the whole time.

"So wooja mind, sweet Mary, runnin' up the hill to fetch us a pail of water, and for that we'll wish ya Saint Patty's day."

"Happy Saint Patrick's Day" he says with a sheepish grin."